Two very hot days at sea (Alaska "hot"), and we've made it to Canada at last!
Well, we made it down to Prince Rupert. We crossed the ominous "Dixon Entrance" today: my first taste of true sea swell! It couldn't have been better weather. The last two days from Ketchikan have both been over 65 degrees (much hotter in the sun while driving the boat) and flat calm. We had less than 5 kts of wind throughout the whole trip today across Dixon and the sea swell was (according to the Canadian weather report) less than 2 meters, which felt a little rolley-polley (I haven't the faintest idea how to spell that correctly) but not bad in the least!
As you can see from the pictures, it's been gorgeous, calm and easy to push ahead. We had yet another great little anchorage in Foggy Bay in between Ketchikan and Prince Rupert, and tonight we managed to snag the LAST open slot in the "first come, first serve" harbor in PR. Had a nice walk around town and a wifi stop for me.
We have a couple great anchorages ahead of us that we are looking forward to in Canada: Lowe Inlet was recommended to us in Ketchikan by a couple sailors coming north, and Bishop Bay/Monkey Beach hot springs the following night (recommended by my aunt and uncle, thank you!). Not sure when the next wifi stop will be. It could possibly not be available until we reach the north end of Vancouver Island.
Until then.... here are some photos from our sunny, summer weather motoring!
ALSO! Very exciting news! We are a new addition to the 48 North sailing blogs index on their website! 48 North is a sailing magazine based out of Seattle that connects Pacific northwest cruisers together. Check out this link, we are the most recent:
Exciting! There are a lot of big time sailors on that list...
Huevos Sound Discovery! |
How could we not read Moby Dick out in the sea swells today? |
Art time for Giselle in Foggy Bay's Inner Cove-- sunset sketches and then painting once the light is gone. |
Happy Birthday Dad! We made ocean themed pancakes for your day and to celebrate the impeccable weather for our Dixon Entrance crossing! |
South. |
Celebrating getting into Canadian waters! |
Naps in the sun: why yes, those are Tye dye cargo pants.... that Clif owns and loves. |
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